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  • 05:36:32 pm on May 16, 2008 | 0

    Sure, newspapers are not dead yet, but lets put it this way: The meteorite is not that far away.

    Journalism is not known for its quick adaptation to new forms of media. Some news organizations do not even have websites, and to the coming generations, if you do not have a web presence, you simply do not exist. Today, it is not sufficient to only cling to old media. The transition into a dependence of online media has already started. Tomorrow’s leaders will be the early adapters.

    “I really don’t know whether we’ll be printing the Times in five years, and you know what? I don’t care either,” New York Times Chairman and Publisher Arthur Sulzberger said. “The Internet is a wonderful place to be, and we’re leading there.”

    The press will face many transitions in the next few years. I believe there will be a few key transitional stages where the press will find opportunity to stretch and help to shape the development of the Internet. I will list them here, then go into more detail with each one in the coming weeks.

    I am sure there are other points that I have neglected to mention, I am only doing this to open a discussion, so when the time comes, we all can survive the coming meteors.

    1. new devices
    2. the new spectrum
    3. social news
    4. open source
    5. 3D web


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